Joanne Hatchett, PSC Partners Medical Science Liaison, sat down for a Zoom interview with Dr. Gideon Hirschfield.
Dr. Hirschfield is the Lily and Terry Horner Chair in Autoimmune Liver Disease Research at the Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, Toronto General Hospital and Professor of Medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology at the University of Toronto. He also serves on the PSC Partners Scientific Medical Advisory Committee.
The discussion focused on the Our Voices survey, clinical trials, and the value of the patient-led PSC Partners Patient Registry.
Enjoy, and thank you Dr. Hirschfield!
"The more people that speak, the better!"
Why taking surveys through the patient registry is important: Linking messages with the clinical records helps researchers! Enables patients to possibly be the catalyst for a good idea!
The Our Voices Survey and the PFDD ... "is a well-timed, important initiative!" "Each piece of the puzzle keeps people excited."
To find the survey, please JOIN NOW or LOGIN to your registry account at Navigate to the PROFILE tab and you'll see the Our Voices survey listed. While you are there, please take or update your Clinical Survey!
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